Hi everyone 👋, I'm Mario Renaldy

Web Developer

I‘m a diligent CS Graduate from Parahyangan University. Currently really interested in Frontend, Backend, and Fullstack Development. Reach me out to talk about potential collaboration!

Mario Renaldy

About Me

A little bit about my background.

I'm a developer who has studied programming and web development in some capacity since 2019. I dedicate myself in creating an accessible, engaging, and user-friendly website.


Latest Projects

Projects that I have made

My Portfolio

I created this website with the intention of using it as a showcase and a portfolio. I built this website with Tailwind, and still planning to finish the blog feature. I've made a contact section that is directly integrated with my personal email, so you can provide feedback or suggestions for the website.

React Timer

React Timer is a replica of Google Timer widget (that can be found by searching “timer” on google search) that is built with React and JSX. This app has fully functional timer countdown system, and a span that act as an input which accept number keys with moveable cursor that could handle arrow keys as well. The app utilized HackTimer.js by turuslan to prevent countdown throttle when the tab is inactive.


ICRPedigree is a web-based dog registration management and certificate printing system made for Indonesian Canine Registry. The system generates all dog's pedigree to be included on a certificate.
A marketplace or e-commerce feature is also created as a prototype where ICR organizations can sell dog food products with integrated payment gateway and shipping costs calculator using third party APIs.

Shuttle Bus Booking Mobile Application

In the fifth semester of my Informatics major, I took a Programming on Mobile Devices course which required me to create a mobile app for the course's final project. The concept of this application is quite simple: it provides a booking system for a shuttle bus where we can choose the path/route, date, time, and the availabe vehicle size and seats. I decided to build the app using Android Studio and Kotlin with MVP architecture, and use the web service provided by the course and some third party libraries.

Vaccination System
COVID-19 Vaccination Management System

COVID-19 Vaccination Management System is a system that is made to facilitate COVID-19 vaccination services in Indonesia during the pandemic. This system is a mock project that was created in collaboration with two of my friends in 2021.



My Technical Experience

These are the languages/stacks/technologies I have experience with

Tailwind CSS React CodeIgniter MySQL Kotlin



My latest writing on tech and lifestyle


Building a website

Find out how I built a simple website from scratch!

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Solving a puzzle with Genetic Algorithm

This post tries to take a look at how we can solve puzzle games using Genetic Algorithm.

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Prioritizing wellness in a Hectic World

Let us dive into some practical tips for maintaining emotional well-being in the midst of a hectic schedule.

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